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This is twelve months of maximum-strength therapy for the whitetail afflicted, featuring four gross Boone bow kills, piles of shed horns and a reel of big-buck footage so gripping, you’ll need new armrests for the chair you watch it in.  Whitetail Madness 14 is a year in the life of deer fanaticism at its finest.  Among the mountain of slain giants, you’ll see a 192 4/8” Kansas stud fall at the end of one of the most spellbinding hunts in Drury Outdoors history.  Terry Drury takes down the tall-tined 170” Iowa monstrosity known as #11.  But brother Mark won’t be outdone and raises him a 176” named Pretty Boy.  We’ll let the rest be a surprise.  To all our fellow whitetail madmen and women, it’s time to sit down and take your medicine.  Whitetail Madness 14.