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Trapping, calling, helicopters – Team Drury pulls out all the stops to pull links from the food chain in Predator Madness 2.  This high-velocity thrill ride shoots from Alberta to the southern tip of Texas as the boys take a bite out of booming predator populations – to the tune of 38 total coyote, fox and bobcat kills.

In Texas, you’ll learn the art of dusting coyotes from a helicopter.  It’s truly the most remarkable footage you’ll ever see!  Corey Jarvis lays down awesome footage and plenty of dirty little dogs in Alberta, Canada.  And our friends from Virginia pick up where they left off last year with an in-depth tutorial on trapping.  Plus, there’s a bonus piece on grading furs that’ll help you make a few bucks.

Predator Madness also features the madmen you know and love.  Watch Terry’s narrow miss on an Oklahoma turkey hunt and Mark bark back at the coyotes in Alberta.

This is two solid hours of predator predation you don’t want to miss.