Drury Outdoors is proud to announce the theme of this year’s “Dream Season” video. “Dream Season 8” will take a look at what the Drury Team members do outside of hunting. The video will show you exactly what it is like to be on the nation’s best deer hunting team and how hard of a task it is. Each team member will share a story about his passions and what his other hobbies are besides hunting. Find out what Mark and Terry do for fun besides hunt. Learn why Mark and Terry argue all the time, what they did before they started filming hunts, and what their first true passion is. You will find out all of the answers to these questions and many other fun facts. Along the way you will be shown the best deer kills of the year. This video features Mark’s second biggest deer ever, a 194” giant with 28” main beams. You will see how using the Wildlife Eye helped Mark take this mammoth buck. In addition you will witness what one year can do to a buck when Steve Rupert reaps the benefits of a buck Jared Lurk passed last year when he shoots a 188” mature deer. “Dream Season 8” includes 15 hunts lasting 110 minutes. The DVD’s also include 20 minutes of bonus hunts. Make sure to pick up your copy to learn more about the Drury Team on “Dream Season 8.”